These steps can help ease compassion fatigue

Carreen Maloney
2 min readJan 20, 2021

Animal rescuers must practice self-care to survive

Collage of self-care themed images in the shape of a heart.

In the animal rescue field, self-care is vital to your health when it comes to combatting compassion fatigue, both mental and physical. Here are some suggestions to help you stay balanced and healthy:

  • Avoid snacks loaded with processed sugar and fat. Opt for healthy foods like fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains.
  • Take a 10-minute break if you feel angry or overwhelmed. Do some stretches or relax with breathing exercises. Try visualizing your happy place.
  • Make time for exercise. It’s a powerful stress-buster that releases endorphins while keeping you in rescue-ready shape.
  • Let nature take its course for you. Take a walk. Sniff the flowers and look up at the sky. Wiggle your toes in the grass. The wonders of nature can brighten a foul mood.
  • A beer with shelter buddies after a bad day can be therapeutic in its own way. But abusing alcohol and other mood-altering substances should be avoided — in the long run, it will only depress you further.
  • Seek out a safe person to call if your feelings of loss and hopelessness grow too intense for you to handle. A trusted colleague, friend, or professional can defuse your despair and help you feel less alone.



Carreen Maloney

Journalist. Storyteller. Animal rescuer. Author of the book “Uniquely Dangerous,” a work of investigative journalism.